Brand Leaderboards YouTube Podcasts Newsletters
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How it Works
Determine your target audience
We have the ability to target niche audiences through a variety of unique channels. We use our wealth of data and insights to help you understand exactly who you want to reach, as well as your goals and restrictions.
Plan your native content strategy
It's important that native content feels organic and fits the voice of the thought leader promoting your brand. We advise you on the best types of content and offers to use with your specific audience.
Set up a testing plan
Before we scale a marketing strategy, we want to test our assumptions with a sample selection of thought leaders.
Scale your successful strategy
After reviewing the results of your initial campaign, we work with you to understand what worked best and how to optimize it. We then expand your reach through a variety of thought leaders and multiple channels. We are experts at implementing large-scale, custom content campaigns, that are unique to your brand.
Truly native, sponsored content without the friction
Manage YouTube, email, podcast and blog campaigns through our all-in-one platform.
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