Top 500 most subscribed YouTube channels in the last 30 days

Check out the top 500 most subscribed YouTube channels in the last 30 days in the world. Discover how many subscribers each channel has gained and what YouTube channels are the fastest growing.

# Channel Name Current Subscribers Subscribers 30 Days Ago Subscribers Increase
51 logo Pokémon Asia Official (Hindi) 32.1M 30.9M 1.2M
52 logo Shorts Break 37.7M 36.5M 1.2M
53 logo Joseph's Machines 5.0M 3.9M 1.1M
54 logo Taylor Swift 58.1M 57.0M 1.1M
55 logo jaanvi patel 24.7M 23.6M 1.1M
56 logo Jason Derulo 30.7M 29.6M 1.1M
57 logo Mau McMahon 19.9M 18.8M 1.1M
58 logo ChuyMineVt 11.4M 10.3M 1.1M
59 logo MR. INDIAN HACKER 38.3M 37.2M 1.1M
60 logo Wisnu Trijaya 12.0M 10.9M 1.1M
61 logo Once Minutos 5.0M 3.9M 1.0M
62 logo SKIPPERS 4.3M 3.3M 1.0M
63 logo Priyal Kukreja 31.5M 30.5M 1.0M
64 logo Tibo InShape 17.4M 16.4M 1.0M
65 logo A4 53.5M 52.5M 1.0M
66 logo WWE 101.0M 100.0M 1.0M
67 logo albert_cancook 18.9M 17.9M 1.0M
68 logo ✿ Kids Diana Show 121.0M 120.0M 1.0M
69 logo Mr DegrEE 27.4M 26.4M 1.0M
70 logo Zee Music Company 106.0M 105.0M 1.0M
71 logo Ben Azelart 26.5M 25.5M 1.0M
72 logo Bihari Ladka 14.7M 13.7M 1.0M
73 logo LeoNata Family 34.5M 33.5M 1.0M
74 logo BETER BÖCÜK 46.4M 45.4M 1.0M
75 logo DaFuq!?Boom! 40.9M 39.9M 1.0M
76 logo Cocomelon - Nursery Rhymes 174.0M 173.0M 1.0M
77 logo Amaury Guichon 16.1M 15.1M 1.0M
78 logo Vilmei 19.0M 18.0M 1.0M
79 logo Jiemba Sands 9.6M 8.6M 990.0K
80 logo Rabbert 8.6M 7.6M 970.0K
81 logo Kings of Leon 1.8M 923.0K 937.0K
82 logo Yuni Ara 9.5M 8.6M 920.0K
83 logo Unknown Story 6.7M 5.8M 920.0K
84 logo Chuster 20.1M 19.2M 900.0K
85 logo IShowSpeed 24.2M 23.3M 900.0K
86 logo Rakib Hossain 14.4M 13.5M 900.0K
87 logo Brawl Stars 16.1M 15.2M 900.0K
88 logo Sony SAB 91.2M 90.3M 900.0K
89 logo Frost Diamond 37.2M 36.3M 900.0K
90 logo Junya Official Channel 35.3M 34.4M 900.0K
91 logo Marta and Rustam 31.2M 30.3M 900.0K
92 logo Pokémon Indonesia 13.0M 12.1M 900.0K
93 logo Si Bocil - Bocah Cilik 11.9M 11.0M 900.0K
94 logo ILYA BORZOV 21.3M 20.4M 900.0K
95 logo Natan por Aí 20.1M 19.2M 900.0K
96 logo Neetu Bisht 24.9M 24.0M 900.0K
97 logo Topper Guild 29.6M 28.7M 900.0K
98 logo Goldmines 96.2M 95.3M 900.0K
99 logo Tsuriki Show 29.9M 29.0M 900.0K
100 logo Bayashi TV 24.6M 23.7M 900.0K

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