Top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days

Check out the top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days. Discover how many new subscribers were added to each channel and who is the fastest growing channel by percentage rate.

# Channel Name Current Subscribers Subscribers 30 Days Ago Subscribers Increase %
451 logo fedyaoch 265.0K 185.0K 43.2%
452 logo Africa Stories 431.0K 301.0K 43.2%
453 logo Ashlee Young Piano Studio 18,900 13,200 43.2%
454 logo TechLionOG 27,900 19,500 43.1%
455 logo 050DAMOVEMENT 32,900 23,000 43.0%
456 logo itsbittulayek 14,300 10,000 43.0%
457 logo AA VISION 28,600 20,000 43.0%
458 logo MaxCapital 270.0K 189.0K 42.9%
459 logo Cobas Asset Management 128.0K 89,600 42.9%
460 logo srimansunny 46,100 32,300 42.7%
461 logo NAOMI DIVA 51,800 36,300 42.7%
462 logo Sidilarsen 34,800 24,400 42.6%
463 logo Steff Weezy 79,000 55,400 42.6%
464 logo Roselie Arritola 231.0K 162.0K 42.6%
465 logo Restricted 42,200 29,600 42.6%
466 logo AppleTechStop 34,500 24,200 42.6%
467 logo Heart Chum 80,400 56,400 42.6%
468 logo RollingOps 24,800 17,400 42.5%
469 logo Software Engineering With Scott Moore 79,100 55,500 42.5%
470 logo PlayerD 17,100 12,000 42.5%
471 logo Yeniffer Villasmil 38,900 27,300 42.5%
472 logo paul wheaton 218.0K 153.0K 42.5%
473 logo Gilmar Silva Fotografia 151.0K 106.0K 42.5%
474 logo FreeQuranEducationIndonesia 225.0K 158.0K 42.4%
475 logo Soto Comunica TV 225.0K 158.0K 42.4%
476 logo Jeniffer Queiroz 54,100 38,000 42.4%
477 logo Team Dennome 242.0K 170.0K 42.4%
478 logo Đông Bắc Bộ 17,500 12,300 42.3%
479 logo Yukio 16,500 11,600 42.2%
480 logo Maryam Bilal Vlogs 28,000 19,700 42.1%
481 logo BTC Sessions 233.0K 164.0K 42.1%
482 logo PACHIC 426.0K 300.0K 42.0%
483 logo Deep Humor 25,700 18,100 42.0%
484 logo itzTizzle 30,100 21,200 42.0%
485 logo Sreelal's views 15,900 11,200 42.0%
486 logo Divs TV 562.0K 396.0K 41.9%
487 logo TRINA BRAXTON 34,200 24,100 41.9%
488 logo ジャガー横田ファミリーチャンネル 80,300 56,600 41.9%
489 logo ТЫ УМНЫЙ!? 32,200 22,700 41.9%
490 logo PEEPER 117.0K 82,600 41.6%
491 logo Love Paradise 90,900 64,200 41.6%
492 logo Benjamin Mwanasuka TV 14,300 10,100 41.6%
493 logo Lucia infos 25,200 17,800 41.6%
494 logo Douglas Renan 940.0K 664.0K 41.6%
495 logo Law&Crime BodyCam 80,300 56,800 41.4%
496 logo Cloe and Dan 17,100 12,100 41.3%
497 logo Real Stories 32,500 23,000 41.3%
498 logo Reinvent Money 21,300 15,100 41.1%
499 logo Fede Vigevani 2 1.8M 1.3M 41.0%
500 logo Сергей Банарь 14,100 10,000 41.0%

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