Top Rope Wrestling Talk Podcast sponsorships

Top Rope Wrestling Talk

0,000  -  0,000
United States
unknown episode a week
Here at TRWT. Dom, Bruce, and Wendy discuss all things Pro wrestling in a Unique way while using one of a kind Segments and Humor. Join us here , subscribe to our YouTube Channel, search for our group on Facebook or Follow us on Twitter @TopRopeWT or at Top_Rope_Wrestling_Talk on Instagram . Find our merch at
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Projected Views

ThoughtLeaders Sponsorship Algorithm™

Base Viewership
Projected views 30
We use a better, more sophisticated process than simply averaging views by predicting stable viewership at the 30-day mark. We censor outlier videos and update historical data on a consistent, rolling basis to reflect realistic and conservative results. This gives brands a much more accurate and reliable performance metric.
Audience Retention at time of Ad
Audience Retention at the Time of Ad measures how many engaged viewers are still watching when your ad appears, excluding those who skip or aren't engaged. This ensures sponsors reach an attentive audience, maximizing ad impact.
US Share
We run our calculation only on US based viewers. This is crucial because US audiences are often the most sought after by sponsors, ensuring that the data reflects the most valuable demographic. As a sponsor you shouldn’t pay for viewers who can’t even purchase your item at the end of the sponsorship.
Relevant Viewers at Time of Ad
Base Price
Relevant Viewers at Time of Sponsorship
Our "Relevant Viewers at Time of Sponsorship" metric combines all previous metrics—projected views at 30 days, audience retention, and US share. This provides a precise count of engaged, US-based viewers when your sponsorship appears, ensuring maximum relevance and impact for your ad.
Estimated Cost Per View (-/+15%)
Audience Retention at the Time of Ad measures how many engaged viewers are still watching when your ad appears, excluding those who skip or aren't engaged. This ensures sponsors reach an attentive audience, maximizing ad impact.
Base Price Range
00,000  -  00,000
Price Premiums
Average Views per Comment
In our industry, engagement is usually measured by views divided by likes and comments. However, we focus solely on comments, as they provide a better representation of true engagement. Removing likes from the equation allows us to weigh the price based on deeper viewer interaction, which often leads to better conversions. A lower number is better.
Fill Rate
Fill Rate measures the ratio of a channel's content that is sponsored. A high fill rate indicates that the channel is selling most of its inventory, perhaps because it is performing well for it's sponsors. This metric helps assess the channel's overall attractiveness and willingness to give discounts on pricing.
Renewing Brands
Renewing Brands tracks how often sponsors renew their partnerships. A low renewal rate suggests the channel isn't delivering strong results, as satisfied brands typically want to purchase sponsorships again. This metric reflects the channel's effectiveness in maintaining sponsor satisfaction.
Face on Screen
"Face on Screen" indicates whether a channel generally features the creator's face during sponsorships. Channels where the creator's face is visible are usually more engaging and likely to convert, as the creator could be giving a more sincere endorsement of the sponsor and building a stronger connection with the audience.
Videos Trend
Measures a channel's upward or downward view trends over time, based on Projected Views at 7 days. This metric bridges the gap between the 30-day Projected Views and the present day, providing a current snapshot of the channel's performance trajectory. It helps determine if a channel is gaining or losing viewership momentum.
Average Evergreen Score
Measures the longevity of a video's viewership and the growth of views 30 days after it was uploaded. A score of 1 means that by day 180, the video has gained double the views it had on day 30. This metric indicates how well content continues to attract viewers long after its initial release, highlighting its lasting appeal for sponsors.
Total Premiums Change
Base Price Range
Price Premiums
Recommended Sponsorship Price

Sponsorship Analysis

Last YouTube sponsorship
Most Recent Sponsorship
{{ }} Sponsorship
Position of Sponsorship
Total Views
Upload Date
Renewal Rate
Renewal Rate
The percentage of brand sponsors who renewed at least once. Bundle packages and bulk deals have been removed to improve the accuracy of true renewal decisions.
100% Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days
Sponsorships last year
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics.ranking.sponsored_article_count | number:0 }} Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days
Fulfillment rate
Fulfillment rate
The percentage of videos on the channel that have been sponsored.
100% Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days
Engagement Rate
Engagement Rate
Shows how engaged a channel's viewers are by calculating the comments plus likes divided by views, on average.
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics['ranking'].engagement | number:1 }}
YouTube views last 30 days

Uploads and Views Split

Uploads Last 30 Days
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics.uploads.long_form.recent_value }} {{ ctrl.channel_analytics.uploads.long_form.dynamics * 100 | number:0 }}% Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days
Uploads All Time
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics.uploads.long_form.total_value | thousandSuffix }} Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days

Audience Growth

Reviews Gained (Last 30 Days)
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics.reach_last30_change | thousandSuffix }} {{ ctrl.channel_analytics.reach_dynamics * 100 | number:0 }}% Unknown
YouTube views last 30 days
Rating on Apple Podcasts
Apple Podcasts rating
Audience Loyalty
Audience Loyalty
The ratio between a channel's subscribers and the Projected Views. This can be used to understand roughly how many sponsorships it would take in order to reach a channel's entire audience.
{{ ctrl.channel_analytics['ranking'].loyalty | number:1 }}%
YouTube views last 30 days


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{{ article.publication_date | ago_abr | zeroval }}
YouTube Statistics & Insights
  • How many listeners does Top Rope Wrestling Talk's podcast have?
    To check podcast listeners analytics you need to have access to the podcast listeners metrics. Each platform, such as Spotify or iTunes, has its own analytics. If you're interested in Top Rope Wrestling Talk number of listeners, contact our team and we'll be happy to help.
  • How long has Top Rope Wrestling Talk's podcast been running?
    Top Rope Wrestling Talk first started uploading on Podcast on November 15, 2019.
  • How much does Top Rope Wrestling Talk make per podcast?
    Create an account with ThoughtLeaders to see our predicted sponsorship rate for Top Rope Wrestling Talk.
  • How to look up Top Rope Wrestling Talk's podcast demographics?
    To check Top Rope Wrestling Talk's podcast demographics you need to have access to the podcast stats dashboard or contact the podcast owner. Let our team help you with this, contact us here.
  • How to see Top Rope Wrestling Talk podcast stats?
    To check Top Rope Wrestling Talk's podcast demographics you need to have access to the podcast stats dashboard or contact the podcast owner. Let our team help you with this, contact us here.