Top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days

Check out the top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days. Discover how many new subscribers were added to each channel and who is the fastest growing channel by percentage rate.

# Channel Name Current Subscribers Subscribers 30 Days Ago Subscribers Increase %
51 logo FitFox 52,800 19,200 175.0%
52 logo Barry Cunningham 123.0K 44,800 174.6%
53 logo Nick Santonastasso 199.0K 72,600 174.1%
54 logo Han Meditations 30,000 11,000 172.7%
55 logo ОКОЛО МОЛОДЁЖИ 62,000 22,800 171.9%
56 logo Micro Wrestling Federation 137.0K 50,500 171.3%
57 logo WildWinslow 164.0K 60,500 171.1%
58 logo MSKD Sounds 101.0K 37,600 168.6%
59 logo MAXY 77,000 29,600 160.1%
60 logo Trong and Ton 43,100 16,600 159.6%
61 logo Jihan haura channel 46,300 18,200 154.4%
62 logo Dasia Temia 152.0K 60,000 153.3%
63 logo Zeddyzi 492.0K 195.0K 152.3%
64 logo 티곰 97,800 39,000 150.8%
65 logo Sanek MIX 92,500 36,900 150.7%
66 logo Pott Planter 38,900 15,700 147.8%
67 logo Dwarkesh Patel 116.0K 47,000 146.8%
68 logo Her's 149.0K 60,500 146.3%
69 logo XPRIZE 296.0K 121.0K 144.6%
70 logo Simply Yosh 24,500 10,100 142.6%
71 logo lorenzo alphazol 32,800 13,800 137.7%
72 logo Maru 55,300 23,600 134.3%
73 logo Cleemie 28,700 12,300 133.3%
74 logo Adobe Live 933.0K 400.0K 133.2%
75 logo Pramod Gohil Official 122.0K 52,700 131.5%
76 logo Hafiz YT info 29,100 12,600 131.0%
77 logo CornerstoneSF 42,200 18,300 130.6%
78 logo Facemakemachine 620.0K 271.0K 128.8%
79 logo Konstantinos Doulgeridis 35,600 15,600 128.2%
80 logo nissanpartscc 37,200 16,500 125.5%
81 logo Peter Lorimer Luxury Lifestyle 22,400 10,000 124.0%
82 logo MMusic Channel 26,000 11,700 122.2%
83 logo Music Vibes Star 63,500 28,700 121.3%
84 logo FlexSide 42,000 19,000 121.1%
85 logo PopongKun 34,600 15,700 120.4%
86 logo Ekam IAS Academy 116.0K 52,700 120.1%
87 logo Ethan Trace 92,400 42,000 120.0%
88 logo Caprani Plumbing 28,700 13,100 119.1%
89 logo SAWTOWNE 22,300 10,200 118.6%
90 logo DEM WA FACEBOOK 66,900 30,600 118.6%
91 logo Deni BloxTuber 111.0K 51,000 117.6%
92 logo SENTRY 40,600 18,700 117.1%
93 logo gordontarpley 34,500 16,000 115.6%
94 logo Hady Rynata 38,800 18,100 114.4%
95 logo And 23,500 11,000 113.6%
96 logo A-NATH-ing Under The Sun 727.0K 342.0K 112.6%
97 logo Cegielski Twins 132.0K 62,200 112.2%
98 logo Hi Josh 158.0K 74,700 111.5%
99 logo TEEKUNGZ 98,100 46,400 111.4%
100 logo Magno Marques 73,800 35,100 110.3%

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