Top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days

Check out the top 500 YouTubers sorted by subscribers growth in the last 30 days. Discover how many new subscribers were added to each channel and who is the fastest growing channel by percentage rate.

# Channel Name Current Subscribers Subscribers 30 Days Ago Subscribers Increase %
351 logo Buenafama 29,300 19,300 51.8%
352 logo Сергей Губа 69,000 45,500 51.6%
353 logo Natasha Pehrson 146.0K 96,300 51.6%
354 logo Anna Art 38,200 25,200 51.6%
355 logo Saif Swappy 153.0K 101.0K 51.5%
356 logo Morphus | Menopause Reimagined 21,500 14,200 51.4%
357 logo Salade Univers 54,500 36,000 51.4%
358 logo Servier 38,300 25,300 51.4%
359 logo NEO JAPONISM 77,200 51,000 51.4%
360 logo Stixx Picks 17,100 11,300 51.3%
361 logo 연설왕TV 67,300 44,500 51.2%
362 logo Mery and The Happy Life 19,200 12,700 51.2%
363 logo TOM ASMR GAMING 28,100 18,600 51.1%
364 logo Jenny Hoyos 3.5M 2.3M 50.9%
365 logo QuarterCast 29,700 19,700 50.8%
366 logo SSIEL 1.0M 710.0K 50.7%
367 logo Ghostify Labs 110.0K 73,000 50.7%
368 logo Decoding 54,200 36,000 50.6%
369 logo Chicago Booth Review 155.0K 103.0K 50.5%
370 logo 미챠 16,100 10,700 50.5%
371 logo Vishal skater 984.0K 654.0K 50.5%
372 logo Nanda Novita Sari 134.0K 89,100 50.4%
373 logo FABULOUS IRENE 41,200 27,400 50.4%
374 logo ハリウリサ 21,200 14,100 50.4%
375 logo Lawly 25,400 16,900 50.3%
376 logo Knire | Найр 77,600 51,700 50.1%
377 logo Monsieur Jesaistout 103.0K 68,700 49.9%
378 logo Michael Sartain 132.0K 88,100 49.8%
379 logo WinnerMax TV 524.0K 350.0K 49.7%
380 logo Desi Studios 75,300 50,300 49.7%
381 logo BarnOwlLegend 21,100 14,100 49.6%
382 logo Thrxve 196.0K 131.0K 49.6%
383 logo Kaleidokitty 17,200 11,500 49.6%
384 logo It’s Just Cinema 67,600 45,200 49.6%
385 logo PAKKA 32,600 21,800 49.5%
386 logo Tsuki Tsukimi 45,000 30,100 49.5%
387 logo Law&Crime BodyCam 92,500 61,900 49.4%
388 logo The Anime Boiis 242.0K 162.0K 49.4%
389 logo China Zone 流金岁月 73,000 48,900 49.3%
390 logo SWC | Sky World Community | International 37,600 25,200 49.2%
391 logo dr-ivashkov 105.0K 70,500 48.9%
392 logo Earlygreybiscuits 28,000 18,800 48.9%
393 logo Macofalltradez 39,900 26,800 48.9%
394 logo Айрат Хайруллин 61,600 41,400 48.8%
395 logo Er. Vivek Kumar 22,900 15,400 48.7%
396 logo Pierre Maskaro Drums 22,300 15,000 48.7%
397 logo Dr Sarah Nicholls 32,700 22,000 48.6%
398 logo Олег Карлсон 52,900 35,600 48.6%
399 logo Parreirarts Studio 15,600 10,500 48.6%
400 logo صدام العزي - saddam Alezzi 45,300 30,500 48.5%

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